A happy mother with her child
Photo by Barbara Muir © 2013
This happiness idea is for parents. New babies and toddlersare all consuming. They absolutely require the kind
of attention we give them. But as much as they are
our hope for the future, they are also their own hope for
their own futures. As soon as they can walk and talk
and go to school, they will be starting their own lives
with their own ideas.
We need to go back to living our own lives, as much
as possible, as soon as we can, and give them room
to breathe, grow and become who they want to be.
My sister, who is a therapist calls this the concept
of "benevolent neglect," which is about loving and
fostering our children, but not doing their lives
for them, or living our own lives through them.
I see so many young adults trying to study science,
when they want to be fashion designers, trying to be
good at sports, when they want to do art, or be
French teachers.
If we aren't careful as parents to carry on with our
own hopes and dreams, as well as nurturing our
children's dreams, we'll be working on creating
clones. Clones aren't happy, free people who
can choose to be anything they want to be -- they're
copies, and unhappy imitations at best.
If we take our kids to ballet, or the Science Fair,
cheer them on, but don't think of their success
as our entire life's purpose, ironically they have
a better chance of thriving and loving what they
choose to do independently.
If we can do that -- continue to focus on what
we love to do, even after we have a family --
our children will thank us one day.
Have a-focusing-on-your-own-dreams day.
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