Sometimes a good cup of coffee with friends will
cheer you up.
Here's a little exercise that can really help on a daywhen life seems too hard. It's called 10 Reasons
to be Happy.
I have tried this exercise in classes for years with
surprising results. People who have lived through
the most horrifying events can start to feel better
when they can come up with even one small reason
to be happy.
And for those of us blessed with leading
fairly decent lives most of the time, it's good
to focus on what's working, instead of what's not.
I'm a good candidate for this today because I have
a cold and the flu. So here's how it works. The
reasons don't have to be earth shatteringly
magnificent. If you're really down you may just
be happy to be alive.
My list today:
1. I am almost finished my portrait commission
2. Steven is getting better, which means there's hope
for me.
3. It was a beautiful day.
4. I sat outside for a few minutes with the cat.
5. Steven bought enough lemons for me to make
lots of hot lemon to get rid of this cold.
6. William Kuhn who wrote the wonderful
novel Mrs. Queen Takes The Train wished
me well on my art blog.
7. There was a great conversation about the word
hashtag on Q on CBC Radio this morning.
8. We had pasta and tomato sauce with tuna for
9. New people have visited my art blog and
10. You are reading this and got to number 10.
(and so did I).
In a class setting 10 people go to the front of the
room and each of them says, "I am happy today
because." A strange thing happens. No matter
how grumpy the group was before that exercise,
or how grizzly the day, people start to laugh and
smile and the mood lifts. Ideas and words have
power. I do believe that frequently happiness is
a choice. If we can, let's choose that state.
Have a finding-reasons-to-be-happy day