Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Getting Back to Happy

The year I started this blog about one of my passions
(learning more about how to be happy), my mother
died, my dog died and a close family member got very
sick.  I needed the information on my own blog,
but a whole series of negative events happened in
 my life, and I didn't have the energy or verve to write it.

Which is too bad.  Since then I've concentrated on my
art blog Barbara Muir Paints, and that's been good.
I just realized the other day that I'm close to having
written 2,000 blogs on that site, and that will be an
achievement to celebrate.

As Shawn Achor says, being happy is the start, not
the end result.  First you work on being happy,
and everything else follows.  I'm reading a novel
now about a very unhappy woman who is given
this advice, and has to try and discover what
makes her happy.

Let's think about it today. What makes you happy?
Knowing you are out there thinking about how to
be happy makes me very happy -- so does the hot
chocolate I will drink in a few minutes, and the thought
of the wonderful people I'll see in the class I teach tonight.
What else? The animals (two cats and a dog, all having their
afternoon naps against various heat ducts).  The picture
above is a kind of summary of what makes me happy --
drawing, art, flowers, coffee, reading. And that's for starters.

Have a doing what makes you happy day.